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Another Latin American success: Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors

The Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors was held on December 12th, 13th and 14th in the city of Havana, Cuba, within the frame of the renowned International Festival of New Cinema of Havana, in its 40th edition.


Latin American Alliances ADAL – Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance and ALGyD – Latin American Alliance of Scriptwriters and Playwrights, were invited to carry out the congress in the city of Havana, Republic of Cuba, by the same and local Cuban Audiovisual Creators, the sessions were held at the Hotel Nacional, reuniting for the first time, in this historic encounter, the authors representing the Collective Management Societies of Latin America.

On December 12th, several activities were carried out, where the Alliances outlined their objectives for 2019, their plan of technical aid for societies in formation, informing the results of their societies in this past year and how they are doing in their development. The region has presented an unparalleled advance, where achievements obtained regarding authors´ rights laws which protect Directors and Scriptwriters as in Colombian territory – Pepe Sanchez law– and the habilitation of their management societies DASC – Colombia Directors REDES –Colombia Writers Network– as in Chile – Ricardo Larraín law– hand in hand with ATN management society – Society of Audiovisual Directors, Scriptwriters and Playwrights – have helped consolidate Authors in their territories and have granted the necessary power for them to be protected by Laws that see to their rights. Today, the aforementioned societies are ready to continue with their growth, and their next step in the collection and distribution of the rights that belong to their associates.

It is important to say that this meeting focused on Brazilian Authors and the progress conveyed by the DBCA (Brazilian Film and Audiovisual Directors) and GEDAR (Management of Scriptwriters Authors Rights) management societies regarding the several year struggle so that audiovisual creators can, finally, receive the protection for the rights of authors that is due and belongs to them. Said Brazilian management societies have the support of not only of the Latin-American authors joined in these alliances, but also the international support of the world of author’s rights and international collective management societies.

Some societies have joined this collective for the first time – Authors of Panama and Venezuela, with which Authors have been working this past year and today, are ready to form their own society and unite with the regional collective. They were given a warm welcome, and we have worked on the next steps for the formation of these two new collective management societies.

During the 13th, the congress was held while receiving a large group of Cuban colleagues, who have called themselves to participate with the need of knowing the moves and arrangements carried out in Latin America so far, and from there, start thinking about the organization of a collective management society of their own, for Directors, Scriptwriters and Playwrights, which defends their rights in their territories and throughout the world, through a net of sister societies. This journey meant a rich Exchange between authors, not only of technical help and the first steps in the formation of their new society, but also for the cultural debate, which was of importance in the understanding of how the alliances can offer their support of help and collaboration to their Cuban pairs.

Among the authors, we have received the highly esteemed visit of the renowned Cuban Cinema Director and Writer Fernando Pérez Valdés, who – without a doubt – has been an important presence for the union of Cuban Authors in this meeting. Beside, Authors have welcomed the important participation of Ernesto Vila Gonzalez – General Director of the Cuban National Centre for Authors´ Rights, who together with Fernando Pérez Valdés, have accounted for the situation of Authors in Cuba, their rights as Authors, the Cuban Audiovisual, their position in the world and the role of the state in cinematography.

Latin American Alliances count with a plan of technical and economic aid – which was implemented many years ago in the region and has successfully achieved the foundation of the majority of the societies which integrate the Alliances today – which offers the necessary tools for the conformation of an emerging Society with a Project that is viable and sustainable in time, destined to struggle to achieve the full exercise of its rights as Audiovisual Authors. This support was offered to Cuban Authors, who will soon begin to work in the formation of their own collective management society.

It was a historic congress – held during the renown and successful Havana International Festival of New Cinema, which annually gathers Cinematographic and Audiovisual Creators of all the world –for the first time, Audiovisual Authors of 14 management societies came together in a collective of colleagues that go after the same objectives, with strong accomplished missions throughout the years of effort and objectives in common, working with respect, companionship and a same struggle, which is defending the right to remuneration for their work, so they, the Authors, can live of a job that requires effort, their own money, and above all, an unparalleled gift to the culture of their country.

During the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Societies, these dear authors, distinguished by their pairs, received the “Political Decision” Honour Award in recognition: Carlos Galettini – President of DAC, Yves Nilly (French Scriptwriter of the SACD Society) and Miguel Angel Diani – President of ARGENTORES, for their permanent struggle and collaboration on the Audiovisual Authors´ Right.

We congratulate the Authors collective that not only struggles for what is theirs, but achieves it as well.


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