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Latin America: Audiovisual Authors Live a Historic Moment

With the birth of FESAAL – Latin American Audiovisual Authors´ Federation – authors´ right is strengthened throughout the region.


During the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Societies, more than 10 regional management societies came together to found FESAAL – Latin American Audiovisual Authors´ Federation, which is created to strengthen and defend authors´ right for Scriptwriters and Directors of all the region and the world.

In the city of Havana, Republic of Cuba, on this past December 12th, a historic milestone for Latin American Audiovisual Authors was reached, in what unquestionably is an unparalleled record in the field of defence of authors´ right in the region. Within the frame of the 40th Anniversary of the Havana International Festival of New Cinema – and as an official activity of this important event, FESAAL was founded and created as part of the agenda of the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Authors – a Federation that unites all societies of collective management of authors´ right in Latin America, Scriptwriters and Audiovisual Directors.

FESAAL is born a non profit entity, being founded and integrated by the societies who administrate authors´ right in Audiovisual works, as well as Scriptwriters and Directors, and Authors of theatrical drama.

Without a doubt, Latin America has given important steps for its creation, and with the technical and economic help given by ADAL – Alliance of Latin American Visual Directors, and ALGyD Alliances– Latin American Alliance of Scriptwriters and Playwrights, which with their plans of aid to emerging societies within the region have granted the possibility to Authors of organizing themselves in their territories and acquiring recognition of their governments in each of their countries, fighting for the conquest of their rights with laws and regulations that protect them, granting also the local management societies with technical and economical aid as needed for their formation and start up.


During the ceremony of creation of FESAAL, their Executive Committee was formed, with the Audiovisual Authors Horacio Maldonado, as its Secretary General (Secretary of DAC and current President of Writers and Directors Worldwide – W&DW), Miguel Ángel Diani – (President of ARGENTORES and ALGyD) and Mario Mitrotti (President of DASC and ADAL), who will be in charge of the formal conduction of the Federation for the next three years.

Today, Latin American Audiovisual Authors not only count with the recognition of their rights which allow them to live of their works for all their lives, but also with a brand new Federation– FESAAL – which makes the region even stronger, and which undoubtedly will thrive thanks to the collective struggle of Authors, Scriptwriters and Directors in their inexhaustible defence for their rights.

We celebrate the advances achieved, which nurture culture and their people.


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