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The Member Societies of FESAAL will attend the next annual W&DW congress

The Member Societies of FESAAL will attend the next annual W&DW congress, in support of the international actions of the Creators' Council.

After its foundation in the city of Havana, Cuba, last December 2018, the FESAAL Societies will take part in the next annual congress of Writers and Directors Worldwide to be held in Moscow on March 25, 26 and 27.

The main objective of this Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies Federation (FESAAL) is the technical and financial aid through its Alliances ADAL (Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance) and ALGyD (Latin American Alliance of Writers and Playwrights), who with their plans to help emerging societies within the region, have managed to enable the Authors to organize themselves in their territories and achieve recognition of their governments in each of their countries, fighting for the conquest of their rights with laws and regulations that protect them, granting also the technical and financial aid to the local management societies, necessary its creation and implementation.

These actions join the collaboration and international support provided in favor of worldwide author’s rights, participating, once again, in what will be the next annual conference of Writers and Directors Worldwide, where the Federation will be participating with the representatives of the societies composing it.

This international commitment represents to the Federation, one of its main objectives in the regional Alliances cooperation in order to strengthen their territories in a right that is inalienable and non-transferable. Latin America has had a historic breakthrough in the formation of a united Federation through the group of Authors who carry out the defense of author’s rights in their countries, through the Authors representing these and coming together to strive for one thing: What belongs to them.


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